SWQR News Update Aug 2022

Centre - Webform application submissions

Following feedback from centres around the process for submitting applications, from Thursday 01/09/2022 there will be no need to upload a Despatch Note along with your applications.

The application forms have been amended to allow for any essential comments to be made on the individual candidate application.  For example, misspelt surname, incorrect date of birth, multiple records that require to be merged etc.

The update to the system will be released on Wednesday 31 August from 5pm – 6pm, during that time you will not be able to upload any application forms.

As a reminder to all centres, we are experiencing high levels of photos not meeting our requirements resulting in rejections and applications being returned. 

Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with the requirements to help minimise rejections and improve application processing time.

SWQR Online

The SWQR team has continued to work and develop our new solution throughout the pandemic, however, as you might expect, there have been unavoidable delays to our original timelines.

We are currently focussing our efforts on the migration of the data from our existing system, which involves a significant amount of work, but should ensure a more seamless transition when we go live.

The system will be rolled out to centres and Awarding Organisations from Spring 2023 and will be accompanied by detailed training guides and videos.

Regular updates will be provided in the “News” section of our webpage. 

In the meantime, if you have any further questions, please contact Carole Brown, Contracts Manager at carole.brown@sqa.org.uk